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A Short History of The Texas German Society

Founded September 6, 1983, in Harris County, the Texas German Society (TGS) has as its purpose to preserve and encourage the German heritage, culture, and language of German-Texans and to continue these through communication, exchange, and good will with our fellow German-Americans and German people in other lands. It is non-political, qualifying as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization under Texas law.

TGS is a grass-roots organization, with each chapter conducting its own activities at the county, city, or area level, complete with a slate of officers. Programs and projects include museum exhibits, library drives, festivals, scholarship programs, singing and dance groups, genealogy workshops, food fairs, historical and cultural field trips, plays, poetry readings, sponsorship of exchange students, slide and video shows of trips to Germany and other German-related areas, and member or guest speakers who share their expertise with the groups.

The chapters are tied together state-wide with representation by each local president at the state executive committee meetings. State officers and directors are elected annually at the state convention by the whole body in attendance, and they meet two or three times a year to work with the hosts of the annual convention and the Christmas party and to deal with state-sponsored projects.

A convention is held in late March or early April each year, hosted by one of the chapters. The program consists of local history, entertainment, and fellowship, benefiting both the mind and the spirit. During the business meeting, the winners of the state-sponsored essay contest are announced. The essay-scholarship program benefits high school students studying German in the organized chapter areas.

A state newsletter, the Texas German Society Reporter, is published three times a year, in February, June, and October. It contains news of state-wide activities as well as news from the local chapters. Additionally, there are articles and reports on genealogy, reunions, general history, anecdotes, language, and cultural concerns relating to Germany, German-Texans, and German-Americans. Newsletters are exchanged with other German-American organizations. Members are encouraged to submit articles to the Reporter.